- 横澤 あゆみ
ayumi yokozawa - 学生時代に部活動(バレーボール部)をしたこともあり、怪我した時など、マッサージや鍼灸といった治療が身近にありとても面白い職業だなと興味を持っていたのですが、大学卒業後は無難にシステムエンジニアとして勤務していました。ある時、ふとそういえば自分は人の体を治す仕事がしたかったことを思い出し、一念発起し、会社をやめ鍼灸マッサージの勉強をはじめました。鍼灸学校在学中に、幼少期より患っていたアトピー性皮膚炎が鍼灸治療で改善したこともあり、鍼灸の持つ力を自ら体感し、鍼灸の素晴らしさを多くの人に伝えたいと思うようになりました。
- Being a volleyball player in school days I had massage and acupuncture therapies when injury and it had been an interesting occupation for me since then. However I became a system engineer after university. One day that desire of healing people in holistic way came back to me and quit job to go back to school. During acupuncture school my long time condition, atopic dermatitis ,was improved through series of acupuncture treatment. I sincerely want to share this experience.
- 横澤 あゆみ
また鍼灸師として活躍している現在も、国内外問わず数多くの勉強会に積極的に参加し、理想の鍼灸治療を求めて日々学び続けています。I first became interested in acupuncture during my days as a volleyball player in high school, when I was treated for various injuries with massage and acupuncture therapies. Although I became a computer programmer after university, I always felt a strong pull to return to my pursuit of acupuncture and healing therapies.
From 2004-2007, I studied acupuncture in Tokyo and was simultaneously able to heal myself of a long term medical condition (atopic dermatitis) through the practice of acupuncture. My own healing motivated me to share my passion of acupuncture with others.
After becoming a licensed acupuncturist, I worked for a clinic specializing in infertility treatment for 5 years before becoming an onboard acupuncturist on a luxury cruise ship. For 7 years, I traveled all over the world, treating a multitude of conditions on people from various cultures and backgrounds.
Currently I work in Tokyo and Cebu (in the Philippines) treating patients with TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) everyday, as well as continuing to study inside and outside of Japan to achieve my ideal style of acupuncture.
- 資格
- はり師
- きゅう師
- あん摩マッサージ指圧師
- 不妊カウンセラー
- 経歴
- 東京衛生学園専門学校
- - 東洋医療総合学科 卒業
- - 臨床教育専攻科 卒業
- 不妊治療専門鍼灸院勤務 5年
- 豪華客船専属鍼灸師 7年
- (Steiner Leisure Ltd.)
- - Norwegian Cruise Line
- - Holland America Cruise
- - Crystal Cruise